Help keep roller coasters in amusement parks… 

…and by that I mean out of your retirement strategy!!!         

Look, we all know just about everything ebbs and flows, or swings in cycles – the seasons, economic activity, political leanings, interest rates… everything! And if you take a look around, you’ll notice that those swings have become more intense, turning everything into a wild roller coaster ride. 

It’s undeniable that weather events are getting more intense, politics are getting more polarized, and who knows what will happen with climate change, personal health, job security, global competition, Brexit, Hong Kong demonstrations, and Russia’s not so secret ambitions to carve out a piece of Canada’s north!? (And that’s just the short list!) 

You can’t control world events, but you can take one simple step to control your retirement income. How? Easy – with a guaranteed lifetime income annuity that matches your fixed expenses so you know that no matter what happens, you’re going to be ok. 

If that’s not reason enough to consider a lifetime guaranteed annuity, here are three more: 

  1. It can be indexed to make sure you keep pace with inflation; 
  2. Neither you nor your spouse will outlive it, so you will never have to worry about running out of money, regardless of ‘who goes first’; 
  3. It offers tax advantages over traditional estate transfer options (if you structure it correctly). 

Oh, and one more reason… if you’re the type who actually likes roller coaster rides, you can get a guaranteed lifetime annuity for fixed expenses and still leave funds in your RRIF in case you want to access capital or play the market or help your kids with the purchase or a home or buy a boat or, well, whatever you want! 

The key is to set it up right, and that’s where my designation as a Chartered Life Underwriter and my experience are so valuable to clients. 

Call me at (905) 477-8029 x239 to see if and how a guaranteed life annuity can help you flatten out some of the wild swings in life, because let’s face it, roller coasters can be fun… but not in your retirement strategy! 


Cindy Bowden, CLU, CH.F.C.

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